Tuesday 15 October 2024

Kithurst Hill

 A nice but quietish walk around the Burgh from Kithurst Hill car park on Sunday, promises of sunny blue skies turned out to be fake news, though at least it wasn't raining. Couldn't find a Ring Ouzel and every Yellow-browed Warbler I found turned into a Chiffchaff !! Were several large flocks of finches about, Linnets, a flock of well over a hundred birds seen and likewise a similarly large flock of Goldfinches. We also saw at great distance two other equally large flocks of Finch SP but having already done 14000 steps we couldn't be arsed to walk the miles to investigate further, a couple of flyover Yellowhammers, a flock of Long-tailed Tits, a couple of Mistle Thrushes, a few Common Gulls and several Blackbirds, Robins and Dunnocks in and out of the hedgerows were nice to see although most weren't close enough for pics. We saw two Kestrels, a Buzzard, a Sparrowhawk and about 5 Red Kites, think the highlight was the large number of Grey Partridges about the place, though I suppose numbers will decrease as the shooting season progresses, they do seem to be doing well! A  few of mine and Margie's pics below!

Grey Partridge

Male Stonechat

Female Stonechat

Not sure what they are but apparently Margie felt they were "interesting"

The long path ahead




Grey Partridge


Red Kite


The Lone Tree

Mistle Thrush

Common Gull

More Grey Partridge



Not a bad walkaround, it's a nice area with not too many people which is always good!!! 

Don't forget if you would like a Calendar to let me know by November 5th, Details at the link


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