Saturday 12 October 2024

2025 Calendars

 Tis the time of year when I put the Calendar together from the pictures taken since the last one! The plan this year was just to do an A4 size one mainly because of the outrageous cost of Postage on the large A3 size. 😑However due to popular demand and mild threats of violence😱, Ok one person put in a mild enquiry if I could do a bigger one!πŸ˜‚ There will now be two options. An A4 one which will be the usual Birds and an A3 one that will be a mixture of Birds, Squirrels and Margie's scenery Pics! All pictures taken by Myself and Margie in the 12 months since the last Calendar. None of you're AI nonsense here, just dodgy eyesight, shaky hands and Ok camera gear!πŸ˜‚  

 I should be able to deliver locally in Sussex and we are up to Suffolk at the end of November so will be able to deliver in the Ipswich area as well!  The A4 one should be priced about £5 and the larger A3 one about £12 but it does depend on numbers could be a bit cheaper could be a bit more, Plus Postage for those I can't deliver. Any excess money, after costs will be donated to the Hurstpierpoint Hedgehog rescue, though We usually just end up donating 50 quid anyway!! More pertinent now as we have a Hedgehog visiting our Garden!!! 

For people who have already ordered I will assume you still want the same ones, unless otherwise instructed though of course you can change to the larger one if you want just let me know. 

I will be ordering the Calendars from the printers on about November the 5th to give me time to get them in so if in the unlikely event you do want one you have until then to put your order in!

The pictures in the Calendars are shown below, remember in the calendar the pictures will be cropped in more so the birds will be more prominent than in these pictures.

The A4 pics

Sabines Gull taken at Normans Bay last year just after the deadline for last years Calendar, can't see much detail but think it's a striking image for the cover!

Great Egret taken at Dungeness

Short-eared Owl, taken at Elmley on Sheppey it is a much tighter crop in the Calendar , those eyes!
Yellowhammer a local favourite taken in Hurstpierpoint

Snow Bunting from a memorable encounter on Cairn Gorm

Male Wheatear from the shores of Lochindorb

Bearded Tit

Kingfisher, very cooperative Female from Widewater in Shoreham

Whinchat in nice light at Dungeness

Osprey from Lossiemouth Beach

 A touch of darkness, a Raven from Seaford

Red Kite from Wales again will be cropped closer in the Calendar

Robin, got to be a Robin for December, couldn't get a snowy one I blame Global Warming!

The A3 pictures are below for the first time some of Margie's pics are included, don't worry it's not the "interesting" pics of a feather with a  bubble or the artistically  semi-blurred pic of the arse end of a Bee in a flower. πŸ˜±πŸ˜‚No we've gone for some Landscapes, very nice they are to.πŸ’“ There is also a Red Squirrel eating a skull, you don't get that on ya soft Southern Countryfile Calendar, I appreciate that being a few miles outside Brighton means this Calendar is quite Southern but it's not soft, no sir, not with a Squirrel chewing a skull! Doesn't get more metal than that!!❤πŸ˜‚

On the ferry between Ullapool and Stornoway

Red Kite from Wales

Roseisle Beach a truly beautiful place 

Red Squirrel with Skull, from Loch Garten 

Lossiemouth Beach another stunning place

Corn Bunting not only one of my favourite birds but like the colour on this one, although I sharpen and Crop my pics everything else is as the Camera sees it!

Blackbird, common but special, sadly couldn't get a pic of Mr White Eye our Garden one but this one posed nicely

Another view of the Shoreham Kingfisher

Another Red Squirrel this one from Loch Spynie, this one didn't eat any skulls, but I'm pretty sure if one had been available it would have tucked in!πŸ˜‚

Whinchat, with a cobweb getting a bit arty myself there!

A river in Wales

More Scottish  serenity from Margie

Robin well it's December!! 

So there you have em, not to shabby!!! As said most of the pics will be cropped in more on the Calendars so will look slightly different.

Could of been worse I wanted to have my selfie on top of Cairn Gorm as the cover,😲 but Margie suggested not, pointing out what with all the swooning there could be a nasty accident!!πŸ˜‚ It's Health & Safety gone mad I tells ya!!😑

Although I can see Margie's point, might be a tad off putting while you're eating ya cornflakesπŸ˜‚

So Orders in by November the 5th please!!! Go on treat yourself, won't somebody think of the Hedgehogs!!!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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