Saturday, 1 March 2025


 Eventually ended up at Southease this morning as I searched for somewhere Fog free! Walked the east bank of the river from the bridge towards Newhaven, highlight was a flock of Corn Buntings approximately 40 birds, singing Greenfinch, Skylarks, Reed Buntings and Cetti's Warbler, displaying Meadow Pipits, few Stonechats and a  couple of squealing Water Rails. Only waders seen one Lapwing, one Redshank and a Common Sandpiper. Few pics below.

Reeds in the misty Sun

Misty Gulls, Herring at the back and 4 Black-headed Gulls

Herring Gull

Meadow Pipit, several about saw a couple do a display, lots of singing Skylarks but none showed well enough for pics

Small bird moving through the reeds. could it be? No sadly the tit was Blue rather that Penduline😢

A bit of the Bunting flock, possibly come out of roost, on the return trip they had gone although heard a bit of song and picked out a couple of the birds out across the fields.


Corn Bunting, the light was difficult!

Meadow Pipit

More Cornies

I saw 10 geese all Greylag

Pretty sure this is a Rock Pipit, looks quite white underneath but don't think enough for a Water Pipit

Pied Wagtail

Song Thrush


Reed Bunting

Grey Heron, only saw one the whole walk and no Little Egrets which is unusual for the area

A visual representation of me telling Margie something important, which she will later say i didn't mention!😲😁

On returning home there were a couple of Long-tailed Tits in the garden which is always good!

Long-tailed Tit

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