Monday, 24 February 2025

Seaford Stroll

 Well after the Barn Owl madness of Saturday, Margie and I had a little trip to Seaford on Sunday. It was very windy, but we had an enjoyable stroll from Splash Point to The Martello Tower. The Black Redstart  that's been around Splash for a while put in a couple brief appearances and a couple of Rock Pipits chased each other around! The main interest on the walk was a bit of Brent Goose movement with about 300 going through in 4 flocks the  largest of which contained about 180 birds! There was also several Common Gulls on the move, with several groups of 4 or 5 seen! A few of our pics below. Margie's are the landscapes and mine are the birds unless otherwise stated!

Bit random, but a Great Spotted Woodpecker on our feeders before we left!! Pics through Glass

Hunk alert!

Brents going through

Black Redstart



Rock Pipit

There was one for sale, but £30000 is a bit steep, despite it being in prime seawatching position

Think they got this the wrong way round

The Basket

Crow by Margie

Common Gull

The 3 ages of Common Gull in one pic 1st Winter (nearest) 2nd Winter (furthest) Adult (center)

Herring Gull

Black-headed Gull

Incoming Mega Flock!

Margie's camera was able to get the whole Flock in, I reckon it's about 180 but if anyone wants to have ago at an accurate count go for it!

Great Black-backed Gull

A final couple of Common Gulls through!

Blowy but fun stroll, nice to see stuff starting to move!! Spring is defo on the way! Bit worried that the council have decided to close the groyne for repairs, at the start of Sea-watching season, gonna be a health and safety nightmare climbing those fences!!! 😢😢😀😀Especially for the older members of the Seaford Crew!!

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