Saturday, 15 February 2025


 Decided that I would make an attempt to see the Hawfinches that are reported most days from Fairmile Bottom area, failed miserably 😢 you would of thought 40 odd Hawfinches would be quite easy to find, but despite walking miles none could be found! Started well with a very showy Marsh Tit and I ran into several Firecrests around the place, though in the gloom pics were at a premium! A flock of Siskins was pretty much all else I could find, very quiet!!!

Marsh Tit

Firecrest, lots of singing and chasing each other around, but pics were difficult!


After 11000 steps I decided to give up, thought I would stop at Swanbourne Lake on the way home with the view to seeing a Mandarin, couldn't find one of them either!! Lots of Gulls, nice to see some Lesser Black-backed Gulls and Common Gulls amongst the Herring and Black-headed Gulls, Lots of Tufted Duck and millions of Pigeons being fed along with the Ducks!!

Lesser Black-backed Gull

Common Gull

Tufted Duck (female)

Tufted Duck (male)

Didn't stay long, saw A Goldcrest here but couldn't get a pic! One of those days!! Nice to  be out though!

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