Sunday 1 September 2024

Patch Walk

 Sad walk around my local Patch, near Albourne today, the best area has been grubbed out, not sure when it happened, but a substantial section of hedge, a hotspot for the local Yellowhammer population,  I last walked here on the 1st of April when there were several Yellowhammers in the hedge including singing Males. Not sure exactly when this was done but the period in question is the birds breeding season and what ever the reason it could of waited until they have finished. I have written to the Sussex Wildlife Trust to see if any laws have been broken and if any action needs to be taken!

The hedge on the left came right up to the hedge on the left, with perhaps a ten foot gap for the path

This area was border by two small fences, now gone, perhaps 40 feet apart, long grass and several large bushes, a couple perhaps 30 feet high and also a favourite of the Yellowhammers 

You can see from this pic how wide and substantial this hedge was and how much has been grubbed out 

This pile has been left behind but I imagine at least 10 times this much has been removed.

I last walked this area on Easter Monday and it hadn't been done then which means it has been done between then and now which is right through the bird's breeding season, obviously I don't know the reasons why, got to be said I'm gutted about it and whatever the reason, to destroy one of the few bits of decent habitat in the area, in my opinion is criminal, especially during the  breeding season, this sort of work should be carried out in the Winter!

Another area cleared was along the path near Cutlers Brook, again a huge swath of vegetation cleared, this was an area of bushes and scrub with a path down the middle, all removed! 

This was waist high vegetation with several more substantial bushes and small Trees, home to Wrens, Dunnocks Blackbirds , Song Thrushes and Robins, not to mention loads of insects, just trashed? Again, it was all still there on my last visit,  the foot or so of regrowth suggests this has been done in the last couple of months, during the breeding season for many of the species mentioned. What's the reason? Who knows?  

So a pretty depressing couple of hours, did get a Yellowhammer, a Spotted Flycatcher, a Willow Warbler, couple of Chiffchaffs, a couple of flocks of Tits and a few Swallows a few pics below!


Spotted Flycatcher

HPP Church


Long-tailed Tit

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