Sunday 27 September 2020

Windy Patching

 Very quiet walk around the patch for Margie and Me today, very windy so birds seemed to be keeping their heads down, started ok with the stubble field having large numbers of small birds flitting about on it, every single one I got on good enough to ID was a Meadow Pipit, but pretty sure there were some Linnets in amongst them, difficult to talk numbers probably the most seen in the air at once was about 70 but almost certainly more about, the Starlings were back on the wires as well ,approximately 150 in the flock, couldn't turn any into a Rosy Starling.

Meadow Pipit

Meadow Pipit

Part of the Starling flock

The Glades were quiet a couple of Buzzards flushed out, there were birds calling in the hedges but not showing well, couple of Wrens, but the Robins, Dunnocks and Blackbirds so numerous a couple of weeks ago seemed to have disappeared.

A Great Spotted Woodpecker showed alright near the bridge although pics were at a premium a Buzzard was blown around in the wind and ended up right over our head ,nearly put me back out trying for some pics, there had been a few Jays flying about and one posed ok distantly on a fence, Margie found a feather to take pics of!

Great Spotted Woodpecker







Feather by Margie
There were signs of the Autumn colours to come in the trees though most trees still have a fullish load of Green leaves, Nuthatches could be heard calling and a Bullfinch was spotted flying away straight into the hedge, a couple of Goldcrests flitted about deep in the hedge, we returned through the stubble field the Pipits were almost invisible on the ground and again could only find Meadow Pipits. 
Slow couple of hours in grey, windy conditions ,still nice to be out. Probably the most Impressive beasts seen were a couple of Rams in the field opposite the car park!

Meadow Pipit in the stubble

Tree by Margie

Autumnal Colours by Margie

Ram by Margie


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