Saturday, 8 March 2025

Ashdown Forest

 Spent the morning at various spots on Ashdown, had 4 target species, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Goshawk, Woodlark and Dartford Warbler, to paraphrase Meatloaf 2 out of 4 is pretty average!! A few pics below.

Woodlark serenading the rising Sun, yes I was up that early!

Couple of the Woodlarks facing off!

Meadow Pipit

Marsh Tit, nice to see on in the wild, rather than around Feeders

Channelling it's inner Crossbill

Song Thrush

Coal Tit several about

Common Buzzard

Immature Goshawk

Stonechat, pretty much everywhere I went there was a pair.

Grey Heron

Hard work, blooming hot as well, thermal trousers were a mistake! Nice to here the Woodlark and the Gos was a pleasant surprise, though shame I couldn't of spotted it a bit earlier. Not much of a surprise I couldn't find a LSW only know a couple of spots, both of which had Great Spotted Woodpeckers. Bit surprised I couldn't find a Dartford Warbler hit the gorse and the heather hard in several places but thems the breaks!!! 

Monday, 3 March 2025

Pulborough in the Sun

 We headed to RSPB Pulborough Brooks yesterday, cold but gloriously sunny, it was a very enjoyable walk around. Didn't manage to see the Eagles, but numerous Red Kites, very friendly Robins and Highland Cows the highlights, some pics below Landscapes by Margie, Birds by me unless otherwise stated!

Blue Sky!!

Plenty of water in the Brooks

Margie likes a tree!

She also likes a reflection

First of the friendly Robins

Bullfinch, a couple down the zigzags but not very cooperative

House Sparrow

Lapwing, lots on the Brooks

Reflective Canada Geese

Signs of Spring, I also heard a singing Chiffchaff

Highland Coos always photogenic

Enjoying the Sun



Another uncooperative Finch, this time a Greenfinch

More reflections

More trees

The most friendly Robin by Margie






Red Kite, the only one that came close and then it was right in the Sun
