Tuesday, 4 June 2024

Holiday In Scotland Day 13 Creag Meagaidh

May 9th

With just 2 days of holiday left we headed to Creag Meagaidh (Yeah I can't pronounce it either!) in a last gasp attempt to find a Golden Eagle, to ease any tension you maybe feeling, I can tell you we didn't find one😢 Although on the drive Margie spotted a bird of prey she described as a large oblong! She is convinced it was an Eagle (I concentrating on my driving didn't get on it😢) I'm fairly confident it was an Eagle, Margie's seen a lot of Buzzards, but as she couldn't narrow it down to species it's not on the holiday list!!! 

Creag Meagaidh is a beautiful area, lovely mountain views, after our assault on Cairngorm, Margie and I were going to go up to the top but the weather although dry was cloudy and the tops of the mountains kept disappearing, so we decided to walk the valley instead! 

Even the bit we went up was blooming steep!

 Fabulous vistas all around, think Margie's pictures captured it nicely, more trees here than on most Moorland areas and quite a lot of birds present, Redpolls zipping about , Siskins, Chaffinches, the inevitable Willow Warblers and a pair of Bullfinch sadly no Goldies😢😂

Female Chaffinch

Male Chaffinch

Brief hope, but a Buzzard

Willow Warbler

Meadow Pipit

Song Thrush

Pied Wagtail

Lesser Redpoll and Siskins all my pics of them in the trees were pants so feeders it is!

Female Bullfinch

Male Bullfinch

Some more of Margie's landscape pics below!

Was gonna launch into a Braveheart type speech to lift Margie's spirits, but she suggested not!!

This was one of the few places in the Highland that we saw Highland Cows, always a favourite especially when there is a fence between me and them!!!

Think this big boy is the boss

Classic pose

Nice to have a scratch

The ability to pick your nose with your tongue is underrated in my opinion 

Saved the cutest til last

Another great place to visit, highly recommended. On the way back to Nairn we saw a Mountain Hare and some more Common Gulls which is always a nice way to finish the day!

Mountain Hare from the Car

Common Gull

Last full day tomorrow!!!😢😢😢

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