Sunday 2 June 2024

Holiday in Scotland Day 12 : Ants & Wheatears

 May 8th 

We stayed local again today, visiting Culbin Forest, where we once again failed to find Crested Tit😂, could hear plenty of Coal Tits, Willow Warbler, Siskins and Chaffinch though didn't see many, with the weather somewhat warmer than previously, there were plenty of bugs about, humongous Ants and Green Beetley things the most obvious!

One of the Green Beetles by Margie

Spot the Treecreeper

Wood Ant, saw loads some carrying objects many times their own size

Similar to the Green ones, perhaps a related species or a worn individual

Would say Millipede


This caused a bit of a problem, don't often see Wheatears at the very top of a tall Pine Tree


Different kind of Beetles

We reached the end of the forest, where we found  a large area of salt marsh type habitat, a flock of Oystercatchers and three Wheatears the highlight. Heard a couple of Yellowhammers here as well!


Posy Wheatear

Me in action, kind of an Indiana Jones vibe going on!😂😂

It was a long trek through the woods in quite warm weather but good fun and I do like a Wheatear!! Probably should of posted more pics of em to be honest😂😂😂 Can't believe I was so restrained

After this we decided to head around to Findhorn Beach. We have admired the Gorse around Scotland, it  is lovely to see the yellow everywhere, but I think the gorse at Findhorn Beach carpark takes the award for the most intense yellow we found, astounding colour! Margie's pics below!

We walked around the beach to Findhorn Bay more epic scenery and the usual bird suspects, Terns, Gannets and Gulls. A couple of Seals were also present!



Sandwich Tern


Kittiwake with a 2CY Common Gull

Common Gulls, last year's youngsters

Ringed Plover, couple on the Beach

Me in the wide open spaces

All in all a very pleasant day, though another couple of long walks, think we are going to need a holiday to get over our holiday😂!

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