Saturday, 15 June 2024

Garden Update

 Quick update from the Garden, two Frogs currently occupying the pond, which seems to have fully recovered from the winter works, the Hornwort has regrown well and all the new plants seem to be doing well. Lots of shrimpy type things, but no sign of any Tadpoles from the bucket loads of spawn we had earlier in the year.

The Swift Box remains stubbornly Swiftless although there is still hope and we are keeping the calling going. There have been Swifts over the house on several occasions,but we have seen no evidence that they have been investigating the box😢

Unused Swift Box

Swift magnificently ignoring our Swift Box!

The most noticeable change in the garden has been the welcome return of the House Sparrows, we have two maybe three tops all winter, but they are back now big time, with up to 20, quite a few youngsters as well. Plenty of other younguns as well with several Goldfinch using the feeders, amazing how quickly they learn to use them! We have also had young Blue and Great Tits being fed in the garden and a very dopey Blackbird which hopefully has survived the various cats that infest the neighbourhood!! Nice to see a couple of Greenfinch coming regularly to the feeders  as well. We also have a Grey Squirrel coming regularly, it seems to like sunflower seed and acrobatically uses the feeders. I know they are invasive and are not good for the ecosystem but its quite entertaining and it seems to limit itself to one visit per day! The Starlings are less prevalent since we have restricted Fat Ball deployment, due to the risk of bankruptcy although they are still coming in for the peanuts and the occasional mealworm feast!



House Sparrow


House Sparrow

Dopey Blackbird, could literally have picked it up, manage to shoo it into the undergrowth, seen it a couple of times since so hopefully will get a bit more streetwise soon

Juvenile Goldfinch

Mr White-eye, the boss, been in the garden at least 3 years, seems as energetic as ever, think the wet spring has helped them find worms

Struggling for balance

Got there in the end!


Grey Squirrel showing it's acrobatic skills

Great Tit

Starling among the buttercups, good display of them this year!

Young Sparrow, been a regular appearance of youngsters for the last couple of weeks

Very nice to see all the youngsters , the feeders are very busy, could do with a bit of calmer weather!!

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