Saturday 16 April 2022

Glorious morning on the Patch

 Today I decided to stay close to home, Margie isn't feeling to good😢, obviously it's a well known scientific fact that men handle pain and illness better than women😲, but in her defence Margie is usually pretty tough, working through the pain excetra so when she stays in bed you know she ain't right, although obviously she is usually always right, that's what she tells me anyway😏  despite using all my medical expertise, I offered to make a cup of tea and a hot cross bun and everything, it didn't work, however someone has to do the Birding, it won't do itself you know😲!! So a quick couple of hours at the patch then home to nurse her back to health!!💓

 So leaving her sleeping soundly I headed round to "the Patch" off the Albourne Road, arriving about 7 o'clock, quite a good start Great Spotted Woodpecker flew over while I was getting kitted up and there was all sorts of bird song going off all around, including Blackbird, Song Thrush and Skylark,  glorious blue skies, all looking very pleasant!

My plan, once across the first field, was to head up the glades to the main Patch area near Church Lane, not much on the first field, the opened up stream seemed quite busy with various chirps and noises in the bushes but couldn't see much, halfway across I could hear a Yellowhammer singing but was distant, a quick scan and I eventually picked him out on a distant tree.

Distant Yellowhammer
I reached the entrance to "the Glades" my first Common Whitethroat of the year was singing well in the hedge, before flying off up the track , it then flew back to me, had another little sing, then flew off up the track again, now anyone who has seen a Lassie film knows this means it wanted me to follow him😀 I'm not a superstitious guy but know if the birding gods send you a sign you ignore it at your peril!! Oh turns out I am superstitious !!!😱 So changed plan and followed him up the hill.

Meanwhile the Whitethroat rewarded me by posing extremely well as did a Dunnock!

Dunnock Singing

Common Whitethroat

At the top of the hill, I gave the derelict barn a good grilling, in the hope of a Little Owl, but it wasn't 120th time lucky!  While I stood there two birds having a hell of a ding-dong flew into a large Oak Tree one flew out and away, the victor, a cracking Yellowhammer,  posed nicely, though sadly high up.

Victorious Yellowhammer

 I headed down the hill towards the vineyard, loads of Skylarks on the arable fields either side of the track, but either high up singing or  when landed very distant, so will spare you the pictures!!

Distant Balloon

Must of been good views from up there!

Yes I know but in Margie's absence somebody gotta take the bunny pics! 

At the bottom of the hill another, high in a tree, Yellowhammer, then in the hedge at the bottom a much closer one, although it posed nicely, it steadfastly refused to turn round😡!!

High in a tree, Yellowhammer


Song Thrush

So through the gate and into the Vineyard a lot quieter here, a Buzzard on the fence and I spotted a pink dot sitting amongst the vines, a cracking male Sparrowhawk, but sitting in the vines with all the wires was a difficult photo opportunity though eventually with a bit of contortionism and a wet knee, I managed to get a few pics.

Buzzard on a fence.

Sparrowhawk looking a bit strange with it's leg drawn up !

I gave up and headed up the hill just before the top a small mixed  flock pf Linnets and Goldfinch flew up from between the vines and landed in the small trees that line the path. Showing quite well.

Linnet & Goldfinch




The views from the top are quite good, with a nice misty atmosphere, it's more Margie's area of expertise but I gave it a go.

Misty HPP Church

Wolstonbury Hill

Think this is me best effort

Random Greylag Goose in the field

Headed down the hill towards  Church Lane, as I approached a bird whizzed out from the Church, my first Swallow of the year!! Bit late for me this year usually get one at the end of March, there were two here, they breed here every year so nice to see them back, though as ever they refuse to pose on the very photographic gnarly tree preferring to sit on the electric wires. 

Gambolling Lambs

This is possibly my best ever Swallow flight shot, I usually have a torrid time trying to get one!

Having a scratch

Quite pleased with these shots was standing under a small tree, shooting through the branches!

Followed Church Lane around and entered into the scrubby area that I call the Patch, few Chiffchaffs calling, couple of Blackcaps singing, was hoping last year's Nightingale would be back in position, but no sign, or more importantly sound, of him😢 although still early so will have another look in a couple of weeks, wandered about the area, but was much of the same, with plenty of Common Whitethroats singing, seemed more than last year, although how many will actually stick around to breed is anyone's guess but nice to see and hear.


Blue Tit trying to outdo the Warblers

Quite a few Male Blackcaps singing but none posed, this female however showed lovely in the blossom

Common Whitethroat

Think I was able to close to this female Whitethroat because she felt her false moustache meant I couldn't recognise her!

I headed back through the glades more Chiffchaffs here, though it was very wet I managed to get through.

Yet another Common Whitethroat lovely to see so many

That was about it, the Yellowhammer was still on his distant tree and a singing male Blackcap was the final bit of quality. !

Distant Yellowhammer

Male Blackcap as said before they don't pose that well around here!

Bit of a garden update, loads of Tadpoles in our wildlife pond, highly recommend digging a pond if you have got any sort of garden, hours of entertainment spotting the various bugs but also watching the birds bathing in it as well. We had a cracking Brimstone Butterfly this morning as well!

Marsh Marigold in the pond, I think!

Tadpolemeggdon! Hundreds of em all told, hopefully be a few frogs in a few weeks



Also this weekend had a bit of a bake Organic Sultana & Cherry Flapjack and a nice Organic Vanilla Cheesecake in the fridge for pudding!! Though technically it's a no-bake Cheesecake!

Tastes Good!

Cheesecakey Goodness!

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