Sunday 13 March 2022

Little Gull

 So as promised, the second half of my day out yesterday, as you know we left it on the exciting cliff-hanger of me finding out, from a friendly couple of Birders, about a possible Little Gull on the Cuckmere meanders and deciding whether to go or head home to an afternoon of footy watching and Hot-cross Buns, did I go or not? oh the suspense! (although obviously if I didn't go I wouldn't be writing this, what are you idiots!!πŸ˜‚) Well after much humming and ahhing I decided to go (quelle surprise!) I'm a big fan of Gulls, I like ya northern White-wingers and ya Med Gulls but me favourite is the Little Gull (which should be renamed " The Best Gull" in my opinion) although I haven't seen an Ivory Gull yet so this could change when I do!!  Anyway despite borderline hypothermia, extreme tiredness and hunger (so brave) I set off, the Cuckmere is luckily only a ten minute drive from Splash so I arrived in good time, got to be said I like the traffic lights on the sharp bend near the Cuckmere Inn lets hope they keep them, much better than the game of chicken trying to guess if there is anything coming over the bridge! I arrived in the car park, unfortunately I wasn't told about the bird til after I'd took all me gear off so had to kit up again😡!!

So paid the carpark, I don't usually go down the east side so was presently surprised it was only £4 all day. Headed out, the instructions were clear, head down the concrete path til you get to the meanders, birds on the water there, simples! Typically just out from the carpark a Kestrel is showing stonkingly well next to the path, no haven't got time for you, oh ok just a couple of shots!!

I hurried quickly on, very nearly breaking into a trot, very nearly, not actually obviously!!πŸ˜‚ I arrived at the said location, where the fence goes right into the water and excitedly scanned the water, no other birders present, hmmm! I scanned harder, a Gull, right where they said hurrah!! wait it's Black-headed Gull !! now I'm not one to cast aspersions on peoples skills, I was just about to launch into a foul-mouthed rant about incompetent bungling amateurs whilst at the same time wondering if I could string this obvious BHG into a Little Gull with clever camera angles when......... flying around the bend in the river came an awesome 1st winter Little Gull, hurrahhh never in doubt!!!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
The bird put on a brilliant display flying about like a mad thing, plunging into the water every couple of minutes to feed on whatever it was catching!! 
Pics were quite challenging the bird stayed up the far end most of the time, possibly cos there was an ugly great birder standing on the bank like an idiot, (I couldn't help it I forgot my fieldcraft in all the excitement) although it completely ignored the Paddle-boarder that went up the middle of the river! It eventually drifted closer but never came right along !

1st winter Little Gull what a cutie!

Plunging in!

Bit of a hover
I spent a very happy 10 minutes photographing the little guy, Skylarks singing all around Pipits in display flight a couple of Stonechats, a Corn Bunting singing, all was good. Suddenly a Peregrine piled through, I was quite worried for the Little Guy but he simply dropped onto the water, not sure how effective this defence would be but the Peg just powered through and my boy just carried on as before!!
There now follows a few πŸ˜‚ pics of the Gull


Pipit on a post

Little Gull, hiding in plain sight

So how little is a Little Gull, here it is with a Black-headed Gull

I know what you're thinking, not enough pictures of the Little Gull eh!! Don't get the chance often so when you do gotta make the most of it!!

So there was a big commotion, with multiple birds taking to the skies, not sure what caused it but at the end of it I had lost sight of the Little Gull, think it had gone further round the meanders and joined the gull roost I could see in the distance, hopefully didn't end up as a Peregrine snack!!
I walked back to the car, well happy, on the walk back got good views of a Buzzard being mobbed by a crow and there were now two Kestrels hunting near the car park, so I stayed and got a few shots!

Crow/Buzzard interaction


At this point I'm glad I'm a Man not a Mouse (depending on who you ask obvs)

The mastery of the air shown by these birds was frankly awesome, though I think I've been quite restrained on the amount of pictures on this occasion!!
I tore myself away and headed home tired but happy!!πŸ˜†

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