Saturday, 30 November 2024

Purple Haven!

 Very grey  down at Tidemills, Newhaven this morning. Had a walk to the pier to try and find the Purple Sandpipers that have been reported for the last week or so, after being distracted by a Black Redstart flitting around  on the pier I found, first a singleton, before another couple joined it!! 

Grey Heron on the first tidal pool

Stonechat, pretty much the only bird I saw on the walk to the pier.

Black Redstart, not as cooperative as the Seaford bird! Flitted about a lot!

Purple Sandpiper, think this is the most Purple I've ever seen them, possibly due to the poor light!

Seaford Head!

Another Lighthouse pics, felt a break was needed from the incessant Purple Sand Pics 

There were several Great Crested Grebes around the pier in various plumages! 

Great Crested Grebe

I walked over to the new bridge, very quiet though a very bright Pied Wagtail put on a bit of a show!

Pied Wagtail

I decided to walk the beach in the hope of finding a Bunting or two, failed miserably, though there was a small flock of Waders, Dunlin, Ringed Plovers and Turnstones, which were flushed several times by dogs, of which there were the usual multitudes and the usual tonnage of dog turds😢It was  a bit of a surprise as the last couple of times I've been the poop has been missing, but today I remembered why it's known a Turdmills!!😱😲💩 

Little Egret flyby

Redshank, counted 27 on the tidal pool

Wren, a few about, saw a few Robins, Dunnocks and Blackbirds, 2 song Thrushes of note as well

The Wader flock Dunlin, Ringed Plover and Turnstone!


Ringed Plover


Not a bad walk, the Purple Sandpipers are always fun, far fewer birds in general than my last winter visit, notably hardly any Finches, saw one small mixed flock of Goldfinches and Linnets, another even smaller flock of Goldfinch with a couple of Greenfinch. Also no House Sparrows at all! Hopefully numbers will pick up a bit as it gets colder. Also of note up to 3 Water Rails calling from the small Reed Bed to the East of  the entrance track, my suspicions confirmed by the Merlin app, although just after it had ID'd the single calls coming from the Reedbed one of the birds gave a full on squeal removing any doubt!!!

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