Sunday 4 September 2022

Garden Invasion

 We had a bit of a late night yesterday, Margie's work do, dancing on the table etc etc (not me, Margie, I was driving!)  So a day of rest, not going birding, well the Birds had other ideas!! Both my readers will remember we have a wildlife garden, although not very big, we have a Pond, A Hawthorn, a Rowan and a Bird Cherry plus a Buddleia and some Honeysuckle, we planted the trees a few years ago and they have reached a good size now! The birds we get on our feeders are generally Sparrows, Starlings, Wood pigeon, Collared Doves, the occasional Robin and Blackbird who seems determined to eat all the Rowan berries before the Waxwings get here, 10 years and counting!! Today we were treated to something a bit different a large Tit flock invaded the garden!! A few Warblers in it as well, couple of Blackcaps, a few Chiffchaffs and a very bright Willow Warbler, which I had just about convinced myself was a Wood Warbler, even checking the Collins and still getting it wrong!! Luckily my extremely knowledgeable Facebook friends put me right!!! The flock occupied our Garden and our neighbours bushes for about 15 minutes, which was handy and allowed us to get a few pics!

Margie was up and running first and got them coming to the bird bath, which luckily I'd filled up half n hour earlier!

Although they were mainly feeding in the trees, they did occasionally visited the fatballs, where Margie was waiting for them

Margie caught this Sparrow hiding up not sure they knew what hit em!
I joined in, obviously I tried for the natural shots in the bushes!

Though I eventually gave up and took the easy option!

They are Cute!!

I also tried for pics of the various Warblers much more difficult as they never stop!

Willow Warbler


Then just like that they was gone!! Exiting stage right, difficult to say numbers but would say 10-15 LTT, 4-8 Blue Tits, 3 Chiffchaffs, 1 Willow Warbler, and a couple of Blackcaps could of been twice that though!
Back to normal

Hopefully now they know where we are, we will get regular visits over the winter!


  1. What an amazing gathering of species Paul 🤩

    1. Yes was rather a surprise, as we generally only have the usual Sparrows and Starlings !
