Sunday 28 March 2021

First Swallow!!

 Today was a bit "after the Lord Mayors Show" following yesterday's successes (see yesterday's post for details) We got up quite late and the weather was grey and windy, we looped north of the village up Langton Lane Via the Dung heap across the Turkey/Pheasant Farm ,back across the fields to Cuckfield Road and saw very little, highlights were the Wagtails with 2 Grey and a Pied on the Dung Heap and several Pied on the Turkey Farm, the other major occurrence was the sighting of our first Swallow of the year, Unfortunately I was mid-way over a stile at the time so only managed 4 pics all of which are atrocious but I included them below anyway, on the plus side in the excitement I didn't face-plant over the stile!!!😂

To cheer us up I made an Organic Coffee and Walnut cake which Margie gave 10 out of 10 (was tasty to be fair) pics of that below as well!!

Some of Mine and Margie's pics below with notes !

Last Night's moon

Primroses by Margie

Grey Wagtail

Pied wagtail 

Green Finch

Pied Wag on a roof

On the deck

In a Tree

Rabbit stand-off by Margie

Tree by Margie

Different Tree also by Margie

Blossom by Margie

Blue Tit

Blue Tit

Skylark not as confiding as yesterday!

Skylark approx 4 miles away!!

Margie took the Church pic today also got Wolstonbury in can't do that with my lens!

Close up buds by Margie

Swallow (terrible record shot)

Even worse record shot

There now follows gratuitous pics of an Organic Coffee and Walnut cake look away now if dieting, not saying it's strong but I had one slice with a cup of Coffee may not sleep for a couple of days!!

Ready for the oven

Out the Oven

Finished product

Slightly different angle (told you it was gratuitous)

My slice not sure the Icing thick enough, please note the posh fork none of this eating with ya fingers in this house😆

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