Tuesday, 6 August 2024

In search of the Chifferlows!

 Having injured myself watching the Olympics, couple of pulled muscles and a nasty wrist injury sustained  watching the Beach Volleyball😂😱!! Them blokes jump high!! 😂😲😱 It was a late start, last Sunday, as we set out for a walk to the east of the Bostal Road/Titch Hill. This walk is a favourite of ours, usually we are accompanied by Skylark song, none this time though I did see a couple in flight, must all be busy feeding youngsters, hopefully! Things started well with a small flock of Corn Buntings landing in the hedge in front of us and the first of quite a few Common Whitethroats were flitting about in the same hedge!

Corn Bunting

A view of the typical habitat we were walking through by Margie

Wall Butterfly, this walk produced at least 10 of these the most I've seen in one go!

We went around the loop, a tatty Red Kite, a family of Stonechats, more Whitethroats. As we walked along a hedge, there were lot of Chiffchaffs and Willow Warblers. I decided to take the opportunity to educate Margie in the finer points of Warbler ID, she was thrilled😂 though a bit of the Blind leading the Blind going on, you might say !!!😂 After 20 mins of Margie saying things like "I can't see what colour their fecking legs are" and "what the feck is primary projection" we decided by mutual agreement and before my camera was deposited somewhere unpleasant, to declare that they were all "Chifferllows" !!! Which seems legit and will save me a lot of time in the future!! A few pictures of the ones that stood still long enough to get pictures of below!!

Think most of those are Willow Warblers, but there were defo some Chiffchaffs as well, but I'm going with Chifferllows for the rest of the Autumn!! 

Very tatty Red Kite


Common Whitethroat

Song Thrush with a dodgy leg

Another Wall butterfly

Red Kite


It was nice to see a lot of Butterflies, even better my first Blue one of the year!! 

 That was about it a few Linnets and more Whitethroats on the walk back, a pair of Ravens flew over Kronking but I was slow on the pics!


Two Ravens!

Whitethroat bush!


Very enjoyable walk!! Will try it again in a few weeks once migration gets fully underway!

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