Saturday, 27 July 2024

Feeling Autumnal!

 Had a wander around Seaford Head this morning, more or less as expected,  lots of Linnets, Goldfinch, Stonechats and Common Whitethroats, several Chiffchaffs, a couple of Willow Warblers and  a couple of Blackcaps. Down the Cuckmere Valley had the usual Skylarks, Meadow Pipits and Reed Buntings. A few Hirundines about, mostly Swallows but some Sandmartins as well. Waders were represented by 4 Redshanks, a Dunlin, couple of Curlews and at least 3 Common Sandpipers. Not much on the Raptor front, with a couple of Kestrels all I found. Couldn't get a Blue Butterfly , despite the abundance of flowers in the grassed areas, looking at it's best now. Did see Red Admirals, a Peacock, a couple of Walls  and lots of moths! The best of it though were a Wheatear on the Dungheap and a couple of Yellow Wagtails, bird of the day was probably the really bright male!!

A few pics of some of the above, below๐Ÿ˜

Common Whitethroat, lots about

Chiffchaff (I think, dark legs and short primary projection, although bright super and very green??) Also a Whitethroat


Song Thrush at the bottom of Hope Gap

Juvenile Blackbird, lots of these around the place

Great Tit

Lots of Rabbits about


Common Whitethroat

Juvenile Linnet

Young Stonechat

Kestrel, think it's a youngster

Little Egret

The Mouth of the Cuckmere

Four Redshanks and I think a Dunlin


Mute Swan


Beasts (I was mighty brave as expected)

Braving the beasts brings rewards! Stunning male Yellow Wagtail

Sadly a bit distant to do it justice

Not so stunning Yellow Wagtail !!

Reed Bunting, looking a bit tatty as did many other  harassed parents!

Wall Butterfly

Black-tailed Skimmer, possibly?

Meadow Pipit, a few about, also saw several Rock Pipits


Linnet on the beach

The Moon

Seal in the Sea

Meadow Pipit with Lunch




Burnet Moth, lots about

Couple of Whitethroats

Red Admiral

Pretty sure this is a Willow Warbler, pale legs, long primaries


White Butterfly


Wheatear, luckily Margie hadn't come so was able to give it my full attention!! She thinks I'm addicted to taking pictures of Wheatears ๐Ÿ˜ฒ!! Complete rubbish can give up anytime I want, I just don't want to!!๐Ÿ˜‚

Wheatears heading south, Summer is definitely over!!!๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Very nice walk around, Lots of Fledglings about which is a good sign. Getting hot by 11 so headed home!!