Sunday, 31 December 2023

Pond Restore 2023

 Some of you may remember, a few years ago, my heroic efforts to dig the pond in our Garden, for those that don't, imagine a project slightly smaller than the Three Gorges DamπŸ˜‚,  this was just pre-blog so my efforts largely went unrecorded for posterity but an overview of the Garden at the time  can be found at the link, which has pictures of the Pond in it!


So in the years since then, the pond has developed nicely with good numbers of Tadpoles, from our resident Frogs, Frogo and Fredo, as Margie imaginatively named them😏 which earlier this year actually made it to froglets!! Several sorts of Leech, tiny Shrimpy things, and plenty of other bugs I don't know the name of!  There were also Dragonflies sniffing around it this year, The ultimate dream, is Hobbies swooping over the Garden catching em as they emerge in their hordes!!!! Though that might seem to be optimistic I have actually recorded Hobby from the garden a couple of years ago!!!

To be honest the pond has provided us with hours of entertainment, especially the Frogs, it has also been well used by the birds for drinking and washing!! So imagine my desolation when we came down one morning to find it drained of water!!! Less than  half full!! What could of happened!!!?😒😒😒😰. Optimistically we hoped that some huge animal, Fox or Badger had used it for an ablutions frenzy, splashing it out in the process!!! We filled it up again, but sadly the next morning it was drained again!!! 😒 I was so upset, I didn't even take pics so can't do a before and after pic!! 

We decided to repair it and with the Christmas Holiday  approaching it  seemed to be the opportune time to make the repairs!  

Day 1: Removed the old liner, couldn't find an obvious hole, but it seemed quite brittle and  the underfelt was obviously soaking, so repair seemed unlikely! We also discovered in the mud at the bottom, that Fredo and Frogo had decided to over-winter in the pond!! At least it is very mild so hopefully they will be ok, the unlined hole was filled with water so we relocated them there. 

Day 2: We headed to the Garden Center to buy the new Liner and Underlay!! However it turns out that in the years since we dug the pond the price of these items has overtaken Gold in costliness😨😰😱A quick calculation and it was gonna be £170 WTFπŸ˜‚πŸ˜±!!! We Decided to try somewhere else ending up at Maidenhead Aquatics, where it was just as pricy!!! Noooooo! I was considering filling the hole in at this point, when the very helpful and knowledgeable assistant  pointed out we could get a preformed pond liner of about the same size for 60 quid, Hurrah!πŸ˜‚ The downside of this and the thing I was very much hoping to avoid, was digging,😒 unfortunately the pond we chose was the wrong shape for our hole, so back on the spade for us!! Margie and I got the job done, I would like to say in perfect harmony, but Margie had some crazy ideas about how to level things up and which bit needed to be dug to level it up and got a bit tetchy when we didn't quite see eye to eye! Obviously with my nickname of Capability Evans my ability to landscape is legendary and therefore she was wrong and I was right. If she disagrees she can write her own blogπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ However by the end of the day all was harmonious again and hopefully she will start speaking to me again by the New YearπŸ˜πŸ˜‚. She has only just got over the mighty Leeds destroying her beloved Town !!! Which I've hardly mentioned, obvsπŸ˜‚!!

The Hole!!!! Note the mud!!

Me in action, by this time I was filling in, should be noted Margie helped with the dig, think there was slightly less earth moved than Crossrail

End of day, pond in situ, but not enough soil left over to fill in!

Day 3: Back to the Garden Center, for Bags of Top Soil, which we filled in around the Pond, we found some Snakes Head Fritillary bulbs, in the shed, which I put around the back end so hopefully will get a good display come the Spring. We had saved some Hornwort and some of the mud from the old Pond, which we put back in and we have  relocated Fredo and Frogo back to the pond so hopefully it will come back to life fairly sharpish, in the Spring!

Looks a bit devastated but will look better as the plants come up around it, we also rescued many of the rocks from the old Pond so will titivate it over the coming weeks


Pretty pleased with it and unlike the old pond it's fairly level!! We will get some native, plants from the Aquatics place when they come into stock and hopefully some of the old ones Water Mint and the like will reappear.  My back will probably recover in the next couple of years!! Margie also aches and pains, compounded by her injuries from taking a tumble whilst putting on her wellies, bruised arm and a graze on her elbow, she's talking Health and Safety breeches, lawsuits, the works!!! Though she obviously doesn't have a leg to stand on!! Boom Boom!!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ Though seriously she is responding to treatment, I made her a cup of tea and offered to kiss it better!! πŸ’“I know I'm practically a doctor!!😁

Good Job , well done!!!😁 I highly recommend installing a wildlife pond, it's great fun to watch the aquatic life and is very helpful to your garden wildlife!!!

Tuesday, 26 December 2023

Review of the year 2023!

 Overall, I think 2023 has been a pretty good year birding wise, with one or two stand out moments, only had 3 Lifers and I didn't know I'd had one of those until  I looked at the pics! These taking my Life List to 379 all seen in the UK. Though purists would probably say it's actually 367, when all the dodgy ones are taken out😁 The Lifers were a Lesser Scaup seen at Staines Reservoir in January, which only put it's head up twice the whole time I was there.  Two Shearwater species Scopoli's and Great Shearwater, the latter well overdue! These were seen on a day trip to the Isles of Scilly, one of the best birding days I've ever had and for me the undoubted highlight of the year! The trip can be read about at the link below

Shearwater Heaven 

Cory's Shearwater
We have had 4 trips away this year, it's not extravagant as it sounds as they were all  a week or less and two of them was combined with seeing family! All in the UK. The first in Wales, the 2nd in Cornwall,  the 3rd a winter trip to the Isle of Mull and finally a mostly family trip to Ipswich !! 

The year started quite slowly though a trip to Hampshire produced a Sabine's Gull which showed well.

Sabine's Gull
Trip report at the link


In March I went to see the Hawfinches at Fairmile Bottom and the Great Grey Shrike at Black Down.

Firecrest seen on the climb up to Fairmile Bottom

One of the 60 or so Hawfinches present!
More at the link

Fairmile Bottom

Great Grey Shrike

See more pics of the Shrike at the link.

April was good for the local Yellowhammers, an American Sparrow and a bit of Seawatching

Hurstpierpoint Yellowhammer

More Hammers at the link


White-crowned Sparrow

More pics of the American Sparrow at the link


Med Gulls going through past Splash Point Seaford

Seawatching has been a bit mixed this year, not even seen a Bonxie, but were some good days with a bit of variety, roll on March when I can get me new chair out!!


Our first away trip of the year, with a visit to Wales, South Stack, Ynys Hyr , the Great Orm and  Bwlch Nant yr Arian, among the highlights, although local wanders were also productive. Osprey, Red Kites, Choughs, Puffins, Dipper, Pied Flycatchers and Wood warblers among the highlights. The link is to what was probably the best day, for the other days checkout the sidebar on the blog.

Red Kites from the feeding station at  Bwlch Nant yr Arian, good views of Goosander, plus Redpolls and Siskins here.

Pied Flycatcher

The rest  of the Spring and Summer was fairly quiet, consisting of local walks and trips to Seaford looking for migrants, I found a Wood Warbler on one trip which was cool and at the end of August the Mill Hill, Red-backed Shrike showed beautifully!

Red-backed Shrike

Red-backed Shrike

Wood Warbler

Had a pretty good Whinchat, Wheatear and Redstart year with lots seen through the Spring and Summer, though couldn't find a Spot Fly this year 😒

Common Whitethroat

Common Redstart


Whinchat, nice to see a Spring one, plenty seen in the Autumn this year as well!

Stonechat, couldn't have a review of the year without one of these little fellas. Ever reliable, when there is nothing else about there will likely be a Stonechat!

September brought our trip to Cornwall, the undoubted highlight the Shearwaters from the RMV Scillonian III , but plenty else of interest, though it mainly revolved around not seeing a Citrine Wagtail or a Purple Heron!! πŸ˜’πŸ˜‚ But we did see a Woodchat Shrike, a Pectoral Sandpiper, Choughs and lots of White Wagtails!! So overall a great trip and the armchair tick of Scopoli's Shearwater as well as the actual tick of Great Shearwater were certainly the highlights!! Nearly forgot my first ever sighting of Tuna!!!

Chough, seen in several places along the coast

Cory's Shearwater

Great Shearwater

Manx Shearwater

Pectoral Sandpiper

Duelling Sanderling 

Scopoli's Shearwater


White Wagtail

A great trip. 

October was mainly spent local, Ospreys at Arlington and managed to connect with the Long-billed Dowitcher down the Cuckmere, some nice walks on the Downs near the Jack & Jill Windmills

Beautiful day down the Cuckmere, got a few nice reflection shots

Long-billed Dowitcher never got close sadly!

Osprey at Arlington, both showed well, but stayed a little distant

Margie getting in on the reflection act!

Lot more reflection pics at the link


November was a great month, a trip to Mull but first a trip down to Norman's Bay where not only did the reported Sabine's Gull show well, the attendant Little Gulls also performed. Add in a showy Grey Phalarope and a Short-eared Owl and you have the makings of one of the best days of the year!!!

Full report and loads of pics at the link


Grey Phalarope

Little Gull

Little Gull

Sabine's Gull

Sabine's Gull

Short-eared Owl

Our first visit to Mull, Otters, Eagles, Hen Harriers, all three Divers, a Buzzard on every post, Slav Grebes, winter plumage Black Guillemots and awesome Scenery the highlights, weather was better than expected and a hundred plus Waxwings on the journey up a very nice bonus!

Common Buzzard

Golden Eagle pair with the larger female below

Male Hen Harrier, we saw six during our stay, two were males.

Highland Cow by Margie

Hooded Crow the most awesome of Crows

Otter, saw lots throughout our stay, this one the most cooperative

Red Deer

Scenery by Margie, it really is a beautiful place

Waxwing from the journey up, could of done with a bit of Sun

White-tailed Eagle, love how these can just appear anywhere

I'm gonna blame the light, but I got quite a few of these silhouette shots😁 

What a place!!! The link is the final day report as it has the best Otter pics, but all the reports had plenty of interest so check them out in the sidebar. 

Last day on Mull

December has obviously been a bit of an anti-climax, with most birding opportunities lost due to the weather, work or Christmas shopping. A trip back to Suffolk mainly to see family, did give me a chance for a couple of visits to Abberton in search of the Canvasback, no luck though did see a lot of Pochards πŸ˜’πŸ˜‚ On the plus side did have good views of my second lot of Waxwings of the year at a local business park, light was still pants though!


Great Crested Grebe


Still not very good light but at least they came out of the treetops unlike their Scottish counterparts, hopefully if they get to Sussex the Sun will be out and they will be at eye level!

So all in all a pretty good year, not done many day trips this year, trying to be green, means staying local, but also I struggle to get up early these days!!! πŸ˜‚ Determined to get a Caspian Tern and a Black Kite on my list next year, like I was last year!!! They don't seem to hang around in one place long enough for me to have a go for them!!😒

Many thanks as always to my better half, Margie, who kept me company  most of the time, though she seriously blotted her copybook by refusing to help in the 6 hours spent searching for the Canvasback, but I've forgiven her!!πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ’“